Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Okay, realizing today that I haven't updated in a year...deciding to work towards faithfulness in blogging this year! :)

I'm on Verse 9 of Ephesians Chapter 1...trying to memorize all 155 verses by December 1st...

Perseverance does not come easily to me, so it looks like I have my work cut out for me!

Some Random Superficial Updates:
*Got a swirly, teal gazing ball for my garden for Mother's Day! It is SO pretty out there! The color is much needed right now, as it is too early for blossoming of what is planted!

*Paid the deposit on our trip to Disney World in the excited! After years of saving and dreaming, we're finally on our way! :)

*Madelyn just got the training wheels off her bike on Sunday~~her Mother's Day gift to me! She was so scared, but that's what I told her I would REALLY like as a gift and now she is flying up and down the trail lickety-split! I KNEW she could do it and am so PROUD of her! :)

*We hatched 22 chicks for a friend, and just gave the last 5 back to them last night. We were so sad to see them go. We had great fun watching them grow and change for 3 weeks, and playing with them. The kids built an "obstacle course" for them to run through and we bought them mealworms to chase after, to encourage them to do it!
Our dog, Lexie, got a hold of one of them~~he lived and is 100% fine~~but that told us it was time for them to go home to the country! I will miss Bandit, SnowBall, Aid, Bunky and Poofy! A wonderful memory of my children growing up: them having such a blast with those chicks!

*Entering into 3rd Grade American History for homeschooling and Ethan is beginning his Kindergarten work (so glad he's home or he wouldn't be able to start public school for another year yet, as his birthday is at the end of September and he missed the cut-off date).

*I have been invited to speak at the Oakhill Christian School Graduation this year. I love my incredibly part-time position as the Spanish teacher there. I am so honored by this and am very much looking forward to sharing my heart and the Lord's, too, I pray...I'm excited by the message He has placed on my heart and am looking forward to the joyous things He is going to do in each of these students' lives!

* My mom and stepdad are coming up from Texas in a few weeks and picking up my Aunt Char from Tennesee on their way here! I have missed them all so much and am so looking forward to them coming! :)

*Tim turned 30 last month and has commented that he is struggling with it a little, he really wanted to be "farther" in his career by now. Lord, show me how I can encourage him. He is a faithful and adoring husband, great father and such a hard and brilliant worker~~give him the desires of his heart as he seeks to honor You with his life...

*My superficial goal for this year is to be more faithful to this blog. I write in my journal, but forget this is here, yet it is fun!

I pray, Lord, that You will draw me closer to You this me to persevere in my relationship with You and to know and love You more. Show me how to encourage, serve, and bless others around me...

Monday, April 5, 2010

Middle of the Night...

Yep, it's 2am. I'm up and know myself well enough to know that I'm up for the day now. It seems like I wake up earlier and earlier as I get older, pretty soon, I won't go to sleep at all!! Ugh!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

April 3, 2010

Tim is 29 years old today! :)
Tomorrow is Easter, going to both services, then to see "How to Train Your Dragon", then to Tim's parents' for dinner.

New Blog

So. I have this new blog because I can no longer log into the old one for some reason. Hm.